There are many things I love about America, besides having a ton of long-time friends there it's the choices of beer. From Generic Beer (that I wouldnt touch, ie: Budweiser) to fantastic Micro breweries that dish out some of the nicest you'll ever try, like the Hops Chain of micro breweries, to just cheap German Beer. Well, cheap as in cheaper! ie: a 6 pack of Warsteiner or BitBuger Beer here in Australia is $19.00, but it is $8;00 for the same in the US. And, of course the wonderful taste of Sam Adams Beer from the Boston Brewing company. Hmmmmmm, nice, sweet beautiful full tasting beer!
And of course we can't wait to try some of the micro breweries situated in Colorado, with a healthy spout of meat to go with them.
With all the travelling we used to do to the Nurburgring - 2-4 times a year - the Bit burger Brewery was always right down the road from the track, ask me, one day, about the time I was dragged aside early one morning between huge trucks and Motorhomes at the Nurburgring event to have a celebratory beer with some race colleagues, right before I was due to go out for my stint. 'Keeps ya nice and loose' said the German. He was right!
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