Monday, March 30, 2009

evo coupe.

Oh, and stay tuned as we build an evo coupe, which we will be speccing out to hopefully be a Skyline GTR R35 killer. - JD

Evo super coupe

Hi all, this is the start of my Blog, I'll be sharing a lot to whomever wants to read it, or happens to end up here touring the highways of cyberspace.

Primarily this Blog will be about cars, racing, prepping of cars, people and other thoughts. But, off the bat, some sad news, my friend back in Connecticut, Brian Moran passed away last night, and Im very saddened by this. Brian was a good man, of deep character and friendship. Brian went throgh some heart problems whcih, due to the medicine presribed to him, he grew to be quite large, but he was always active, and boy could he drive fast at the track. His ability was beyond a certain comprehension when you see his size, well, girth. But it wasnt fat it was the medicine, but I was always amazed watching him qualify and he'd come flying onto the front straight at Lime Rock, and it was like your watching one of those cartoons where the wheels are on the ground but the car is ten feet over further. We'll Miss ya buddy. May you be 30 mins in heaven before the devil knows your dead.

I'll leave my initial blog entry there for now. Will be back.